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Billy b

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Everything posted by Billy b

  1. Fair play to both men , draw though ? Furys fight 100%
  2. Furys too game to be beat boys
  3. Fury up from a big shot , who said he doesn't have a chin ?!
  4. Wilder hasn't bin able to make fury fight his fight at all no need to gloat , every sensible man knew fury wasn't getting ko'ed , common knowledge really
  5. Tyson is showing, that he is far too clever for wilder ? Wilder can't land anything of note
  6. Fury in ring , wilder making he's way now
  7. Yeah literally press post an he was on he's arse ?
  8. Joyce v hanks on now only matter of time til hanks get busted gimme fight for joe
  9. The event started boys ? Tonight Tyson beats wilder and takes he's belt ? on another note Jason welbourn has no business being in the ring with Hurd tonight - mis match
  10. Tyson fury has chosen the everlast mx glove, "a punchers glove" he said and "I'm going to war"
  11. I said to the boys last night Len that if fury stops wilder it'll be in the 9th There's a lot aj can't do, only a man who don't know what he's looking at books aj as this big killer man who people can't do nothing with
  12. Hearn & aj will be coming out with all sorts of excuses when fury beats wilder
  13. Yeah ? an lets not forget it's a proper, well matched fight with dangers for the two of them , neither needed to take the fight with so much jank match making in boxing these days it's good to see two heavys in a proper bout getting people talking
  14. Well boys it's fight day , talkings done weigh ins done, we all have our predictions an opinions , let's wait an see who's right an who's wrong ? Get down at some point today and have myself a bet
  15. Farooq goes about his job nicely ?
  16. Fury weighed 247lbs when he boxed wlad Best thing for wilder to do is use that pawing left what he does to set up he's right hand, that's he's range finder & how he sets up most of them big blows, but I feel fury has already got plans of he's own for this, furys no stranger to using pawing shots & smothering he's opponents face with he's glove himself , another good key for wilder would be to work the body there's many ways for either man to win, but for me personally fury knows what to do, and how to go about it 100% better than wilder does people can talk about wlad
  17. Wilder is 2lbs lighter than when he fought last, and has weighed up to 229 in he's career so is nowhere near that in this bout furys got 3stone 2lbs on wilder wilder isn't to far off Steve cunninghams weight in furys fight with him in 2013
  18. Tyson fury - 256.5lbs deontay wilder - 212.5lbs
  19. Furys shaved he's beard off yesterday mate , pic on the left is at a presser for the 2nd wlad fight and pic on right is him in the run up to It
  20. Fury got up off the floor to beat Cunningham, cunningham caught him awkward, he regrouped asap and won the fight, a lesser man would've perhaps lost heart or he's bottle an taste for it after that, seen it Happen with many a fighter... look at David price the other week, reckons he tore he's bicep, yet now he's talking bout fighting again soon, no way he tore he's bicep he got a bitta pain in he's arm and jacked , wilder ain't got the brains to make fury look divvy mate, he's got the power to ko him, but he ain't got the brains or ring iq to make him look silly, or find the openings to
  21. Fury ain't a jacker, if he do lose, then he will lose flat out on he's back, won't be no quitting in Tyson but he isn't going to lose so it's all good ? After he gives wilder he's boxing lesson, and possibly stops him late, what ways are you gonna come up with doing him down ? Il say now , if wilder wins, fairplay to him an all those who called it ?, no excuses an runnin back from me, but fury has the beating of wilder 100% il be up watching ️
  22. I reckon fury takes this on points, giving wilder a boxing lesson all the way through, but wouldn't be suprised if he stopped wilder late ? Proper wags wilders team are, silly little intimidation tactics that never work ? Wilders never fit on a stage this big before , tysons living inside he's head and imo wilders now starting to realise he's bitten off more than he can chew ?
  23. Can't wait to see Tyson fury get he's hand raised ???
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