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Billy b

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Everything posted by Billy b

  1. I'd say he's not going to properly retire....he's either kidding people or is gonna start doing the whole mayweather "comeback" stuff...the dough earned from the may fight killed his fighting spirit...but yeah I can't see him being proper retired id like to see him & paulie malignaggi have that bareknuckle fight?
  2. In this day & age certain boxing rankings are bizarre.despite schawrzs ranking,he's no great shakes,nevertheless it's a keep-busy for tyson.hopefully we get the AJ/wilder bouts asap..
  3. Buatsi to me goes about his work like a man who's genuinely trying to get the job done,a lot more meaning & intention in his shots compared to okolie - cordina is a good fighter yes ?
  4. Buatsi would deal with okolie
  5. HAgler-monzon wouldlve been some bout?No they don't make 'em like marvellous Marvin anymore
  6. Comes back to what I said the other day about a true fighter needing saving from themselves,as they will always believe they can fight & will never say enough.but as gnasher says even when good people try & guide them out of these situations it can cause rows & sometimes they just go elsewhere,it's a hard one.
  7. Hagler "if they cut my bald head open,they'll find one big boxing glove.thats all I am,I live it." a model professional,dedicated,disciplined,just loved what he done & done it well him & Carlos monzon 2of the greatest MWs ever
  8. Despite being ordered,I think Joyce-dubois has a very slim chance of happening...I'd go with Joyce in that one
  9. Yes would be better to see him out quickly than take a sustained beating,a game fighter & I wish him well for the future,
  10. Charlie Edwards is a decent fighter,okolie was absolutely awful last time out so hopefully he brings a bit more to the dance this time - would like camacho to win it but I too,can't see it
  11. Thurman is a good,skilled boxer but his lack of activity & ambition makes it hard for me to warm to him,I know he was out a long time with an injury but still...doesn't seem to have much fire in his heart?
  12. agree with you there mate,I've always said a true fighting man needs saving from himself,needs good people round him to say enoughs enough now,you've had your day you've got nothing to prove.cos a true fighter will always believe he can do the job,even when he's past it,it's just how their bred & programmed yeah spence-Crawford would be unreal?
  13. Yeah Garcia has messed about a lot when it comes to opponents there was no way he was gonna get inside on spence last night,spence is a very skilled & hard fighter & some body puncher?Rated him since I first seen him,would like spence-Crawford now
  14. That rough n rowdy lot are a few sandwiches short of a picnic?FairPlay to em though there having a go ain't they? Spence-Garcia tonight
  15. Yeah can't understand it tbh 26 year old has passed who clearly had family values due to the fact he took care of his ol nan,yet it's a laughing matter due to how he earned a crust He didn't upset me financially or personally so rest easy I say
  16. Rip mike,26 is no age to go can understand the s**t muslims get on here & all the stuff that comes with it & im in agreement with all that but jeering & joking about a young man being dead I can't understand,can hardly imagine he done something to personally upset any of yous? For what it's worth,I think reality tvs jank & a waste of time,but it's a great shame for a man to go at that age
  17. Tyson fury in an even better performance than before simply put?Wilder will always carry that power right to the final bell,but for the rematch if it comes off,I've got tyson again
  18. Nothing fancy at all about Joyce,but he's a fair size & comes forward like a steam roller?Can really work when he wants to
  19. They do don't they mate,their amateur programs over there are very good & they really put themselves through it?Yeah I agree,smith is game & gutsy but he's outclassed in every way by bivol,I rate bivol,a solid skilled fighter.didnt know that about kovalev,but shows you how they will only have the very best represent them yes light heavy is bubbling nicely
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