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Billy b

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Everything posted by Billy b

  1. Wouldlnt disagree with mick that to date resume wise,Khan is crawfords best opponent but that's the thing about boxing,you can have fights that appear more competitive than they will be in all seriousness - if boxing wasn't so bad at making the right fights then we all know crawford has far more competitive fights out there for him anything can happen,Khan could have a great night or Crawford could have an off night,but for me despite resumes & past opponents the level of assertion & prescence in the ring between the two is miles apart - khans quick & he's slick,got ple
  2. Ortiz,hunter,kownacki,charr possible step-in opponents
  3. Crawford-Khan is going to end very badly for Khan The undercards in better state than the main.i don't care how fast khans hands are it's nowhere near enough at this stage for him to beat Crawford,this is another fight where you know the result already,I do respect khans guts though,always have but this is not a competitive fight even worse though is GGG vs Steve rolls??
  4. Dear little lad,RIP some people who don't know the goings & the ways of a certain breed shouldlnt be nowhere near them woman sounds like a born & bred mongo
  5. Bud is some fighter,unreal skills,love watching him go to work another fighter you can tag with the proper boxer moniker,full package but for me I rate Loma higher,id say with Loma & bud it comes down to what you like though as skills wise their both greats?
  6. Crolla never stood a chance,not even a small chance,Loma is far too clever for him in every single way he hit crolla so hard he broke his right hand lol Loma is a nightmare for most guys,never mind crolla
  7. I enjoyed mcgregors cage warriors career & early UFC days,think he's just a troubled guy though deep down & struggles to get a handle on things & be composed in life,couldn't seem to handle all the dough & the stardom,and the mayweather fight knocked the s**t out of his motivation to endure a hard training camp & fight cos of the money he got like mentioned though I don't really care what fighters do outside of their sport it's their lives,whatever he is & whatever he isn't,McGregor has set himself up for life & will always be able to make a pound note,he stil
  8. Just took him to school didn't he
  9. Love watching Loma feint & set traps was always going to get outclassed in this one wasn't he crolla
  10. Some comical reading in these last few pages???
  11. The birchwood pub in abbey wood is not bad for a beer,
  12. Yes I think you're right Re his gameplan Mick,yes gnasher very nice fight isn't it cheeseman v Fitzy,definitely be a rough one
  13. Better way of putting it?I guess what I meant was he lacked that mental make up to try & bring his mind round into thinking I've got to shape up here & try another way he definitely knew exactly what he was doing & it was calculated but that digging in when it gets tough mindframe was not there for him imo
  14. What ever was that stupid grin fowler came out to the ring with...that done it for me?I've not bin so pleased about a boxing result in ages.. Fitzgerald vs ted cheeseman now? yes do agree Pricey did seem to be huffing & puffing Mick,maybe getting carried away a bit when I say KO ,but imo for reasons known only to himself Ali did jack,just lost it mentally & resorted to that
  15. Yeah it's a culture thing there isn't it,some great birds & particular lines become folklore the supplements have become a massive business haven't they,and they make and sell all kinds of training equipment to its just in their blood good luck to them not hurting no one are they?
  16. That's fair enough yes there is that too it aswell isn't there,can bring in a bit of extra bravado can't it
  17. Yes.and I agree.the Arguement is their only real health benefit is stopping cuts the boxing glove & the head guard combined create more of a surface area & when a punch connects it is said it rattles the brain about much more than without a headguard.even sending some vibrations down the spine.
  18. Ali's arse went didn't it let's have it right,didn't want to take the KO he was very much likely going to get fair & square so he bit him and got booted out
  19. Suits him too?Loving the pics,that's proper gamefarms,where families are born & bred into it,raising & training & matching birds because their fathers & grandfathers & great grandfathers did.. There's some real dedicated chicken men the world over,the avg joe doesn't understand the natural aggression & gameness a chicken has,they'll shoot the sport down as being barbaric,without any knowledge of a chickens ways and instincts bet they love a Nando's or a nice chicken curry though
  20. That's it Fitzy! made up for him tbh??
  21. Got all a bit pub car park there didn't it???
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