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Black neck

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Everything posted by Black neck

  1. That maybe cos greyhound bitches struggle wi the fannies being like a wasps earhole
  2. Saluki grey or coursing dog x lamping dog or neither u reckon
  3. I refuse 2 even say the 5th out loud Ware it
  4. Apparently a saluki is best over a mile or so int opposite direction and never come back
  5. Double or nothing on the barrel trick
  6. Pulling them off the edge of the rough on the 18th is a good ploy
  7. If you.feel like your being oppressed a good dodge I often employ is take a pic on your phone of you flipping her the bird, behind her back obviously we don't need any o that fire
  8. Ah that's just me old mate keeps racing whips he always says that about the ped whippets lol , I.bring the subject up so he goes on a rant
  9. Can run faster yourself than a pedigree whippet ,it's a nonped u want Apparently
  10. No she don't look at me phone, I know she don't or I'd be long dead
  11. I'll send u a dose o my Mrs cooking bet it works quicker than that jollop
  12. Can be abit of a rum do lamping golf courses
  13. What methods do u use to get the dogs ready for the season mate
  14. Like me old mam used 2 say Proper planning and preparation prevents piss poor performance
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