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Black neck

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Everything posted by Black neck

  1. I should have her pinning in nets in the next week or so or she be gone over
  2. They are very long in the back compared 2 the roach backed things that u could run faster usen than
  3. Apparently the coloured filters are for tattooed feckwits and men who wear earrings
  4. Gorra watch it as some say wheat free but use soya instead and youv seen the state o them vegans
  5. Just go in and claim 2 know the axact breeding of smithy stick 2 your guns mek summat up about old rock imported from Ireland and keep shouting ,if u get filled in witch u will it will only add 2 your credibility
  6. It's alright reading books but it will only get u so far ,if you want 2 be a real expert just drink alot of odd looking cider and go in the beer tent at the summer shows and start saying things it don't really matter what u say as long as u say it well loud
  7. Got some here u can have but tbh I found them pox ridden
  8. Yep we're going KFC 2 celebrate local Bobby paying for it he said
  9. It was yes a girl of 16 or 17 was to attend 2 occupy the laird while the hired layabouts were tunneling on to the half dozen or more bassets that had bin fired into the set
  10. Them.days a dig was a day out for the whole village ,a few maidens likely got betrothed on them outings I.expect simpler times
  11. This guy has the stamp of the deviant about him
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