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Black neck

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Everything posted by Black neck

  1. I had 2 bitches and a young dog kennels together for reasons I can't think of ,put kennel coats on them next morning the c of a dog pup had shredded his own coat and made fair inroads on the other 2 by christ he was a c
  2. Hes changed genders and living the life o riley in Skegness, so I'm told
  3. Indeed they are treacherous in all creatures but at least the canine uns are loyal
  4. Lol always the case a bitch make the dogs back down ,put the pat bitch in with a bitch lurcher tho and likely be a mudar, you know the score I found bitches worse than dogs vindictive
  5. I prefer 2 dogs of similar size together tbh
  6. Last I heard instead of chasing the rag they just have a land rover come down the lane behind the competitors and see who can run off the quickest
  7. It does if u don't have a horsehair stopper
  8. If I was I'd be the last 2 admit it
  9. The law in Scotland is you can't allow a dog 2 kill or chase a rabbit if your dog hunts a line of a rabbit u must endeavour 2 call it off before a chase ensues wtf,but 2 dogs can still flush 2 gun or bop ,have u ever heard ote like it
  10. Your not that at all your stoic and wonderful
  11. Mole run we had live in a tape worm
  12. We used 2 dream of having a tire track
  13. Don't be a ruddy fool curuthers they magiced it up
  14. Does the merle gene date back 2 the dynasty
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