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Black neck

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Everything posted by Black neck

  1. I thought spaniels x as well mate just shows how wrong u can be
  2. Totally intractable avoid like the plague ... Behold my champion canaan
  3. If u have a saluki type let alone a pure u just gorra accept it may at any point run off and never come back ,if everyone started blasting when this occurred there wouldn't be any salukis left So I'm told
  4. As long as your Happy wi him that's all that matters
  5. A throwback 2 dogs that marched alongside celtic hoards,formidable 2 say the least
  6. I was earning a small income translating manuscripts from b*****d Latin
  7. Alas when it comes 2 pures I've always felt somewhat infradig
  8. They are handsome looking things can't see why the wouldn't lamp alright
  9. Would apple cider vinegar be any good u reckon
  10. There at there best this time o year
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