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Black neck

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Everything posted by Black neck

  1. Nah I don't go in for ote technical, the highlight o my day is Dr ranj and judge vinder
  2. Had one do that in back yard of me mams house when I were about 10 ,just plain sheep netting feck knows how
  3. Exactly there mere vessels in which pups are carried
  4. The mother was bred off the street accident I'm led 2 belive
  5. Just spoke 2 the gaffer he reckoned in the winter time John's allus ringing in wi bad guts
  6. I know what you mean ,women are alright but u can't beat the real thing
  7. I find I have more patience wi bitches don't know why ,probably some deep psychological trauma involving the vicar You know
  8. Oh I see I thought you were speaking in tounges
  9. I also recall a technique involving leg restraints and a flight of stairs
  10. Remind us of the electric kennel, the sheet steel floor one not the one wi the probes that was 2 cruel
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