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Black neck

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Everything posted by Black neck

  1. The power of prayer can indeed move mountains
  2. Dog won waggiest tail 3 year running I'm told
  3. If we had complained of a fever dad would of thrashed us 2 sleep wi his belt if we were lucky
  4. It's not actually that difficult, there's a guy local that trains otters as mink are not allowed being invasive anyroad he works them on trout and mallard and also 2 ground on fox and pig it's amazing 2 see
  5. Had 2 lock in a room wi a crate o dunns river nourishment for 2 month
  6. Just be patient u dosser
  7. Dog saying 2 other dog are u planning on running off and never come back, ya bet ya boots I am
  8. Poor thing rattling on street corners hassling passing labaradors for a date
  9. I meant the big 4 species, don't leave it 2 late
  10. Done well 2 gerrit over whatever was , suspect it would of carried all 3 of mine into the next county and dropped um off at the emmy
  11. It was 11 stone 6 pound and 7 ounce exactly
  12. Ah well u got a few year on me ,my knees are OK but me hands are bolloxed ill be holding a lamp in me gob and gripping a slip lead wi me arse cheeks at this rate
  13. Ah was just a guess probably kill me clambering up there ,the lack of old shopping trolleys and junk.would startle me also
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