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Black neck

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Everything posted by Black neck

  1. If u don't think it can cope wait till it's older?
  2. Yeah they can run a bit got a bitch off that bantoo line 3/8 5/8×grew only about 23" been a decent bitch but the young dog meks it look slow
  3. Dam is bantoo grey sire is similar with a jag of saluki same age and look the spit of each other gorra be same hes doing ok managed to knock his wrist up quite bad yesterday tho don't know how to pm mate
  4. Nice and windy dark tonite just took dog's to empty out with a view to take the young dog for a shine round later anyroad terrier shoved a rabbit out the lad caught it but in the process chonked a stone and gashed his wrist swelled up like a golf ball too ?
  5. He's that bloke that upset everyone that ain't me mate
  6. I didn't get on with led dog's didn't seem to mind but I couldn't see owt use a blazer at times found it good but hammerd the battery a bit
  7. Ok that intro was pants I been into lurcher since I was a kid got 3 and a terrier
  8. Hello there been sculking about on this site for ages so thought I'd sign up
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