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Black neck

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Everything posted by Black neck

  1. How do you white witch someone's bum hole?
  2. Well they look nice dog's what ever they are lol
  3. Fair play to you sir I read that in a old binder of edrd some good article's in them old copies before these silly laws
  4. I heard about a bloke who's cattle dog cross pups pulled a jogger on a beach do you think he said that to deter verminous thieves?
  5. No one gone work today then missus said you get 1 day off with bad weather and your on that dog talk thing laughing at other wierdos
  6. I've got 3 of them useless things I'm on me way now so don't try and talk me out of it
  7. Just found out he died is it worth fetching the Barrymore
  8. Cheers lads see you in three days I'll pick Forsyth up on the way
  9. Well been battling through the snow all night can someone put a picture up of one as I don't want to get palmed off with a fake un
  10. Still no clue what one is but what can you do I think you have to go to Scotland and talk to a jag of blokes summat to do with Bruce Forsyth tbf I'm lost but I'll saddle up the Shetland and head North
  11. 9 month old they are slow starters tbf but if your patient it will come good mine dint even knock long ears over till it were 12 weeks
  12. I had one of them bullzoi's cracking ratters but they do lack pace
  13. Yeah think so mind you whatever they are they wouldn't last five minutes with the moped crew
  14. Fair play mate if I relied on game I'd of starved ages ago?
  15. If that's to me I still don't know what they are lol but no I'm not ginger but yes I am jealous
  16. Right still none the wiser but I wernt after one just wondered ,but if people are going to get chucked out the masons for telling me il leave it
  17. Genuine question what constitutes a bobcock never heard it before is it just a term for a collie blooded lurcher ? And no facetious comments about George micheal or the Barrymore
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