Done it few times dog out let vixen bolt away cover up the cubs let her come back and move them in the night not on pheasant land though I'd get hung lol
Fair play mate get them at it I had a right good Sunday morning planned for my bunch of planks but looks like it's gonna be just the terrier and young dog if he's ok?
Fair play brother I scratch about everyday wi me dogs and lamp once a week wi one of them I work for mesen so finish early to get them out got young family as well just do what u can eh
I'm ignorant on this sort of thing aiint seen 1 on me ground for 3 years what's the the fascination with 3 /3 I just scratch round I doubt my dog's could do 1 but have a good go at whatever gets up fair play lads it's each to them own
They must be ok then but heard a few saying no serious lamping men can use them handle thin as a pencil and so on but I find them ok don't consider mesen a serious lamping man just get out [BANNED TEXT] I can