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Black neck

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Everything posted by Black neck

  1. My dog has took a disliking to a certain spaniel and dosnt normally bother I can only think that spaniel s must make sly comments under there breath then Mek out they ain't said owt
  2. Sounds choice theyl soon come home tho pinemartens can be fickle company at the best of times
  3. There for scratching there arses wi
  4. To be honest mate you don't come across as a worker of dogs not saying you ain't it just don't look that way by your post you won't get put on to any litters why do you want a first x bed whip
  5. Me old man used to feed vital in soaked in bisto wi left over custard from his works canteen they seemed ok on it?
  6. Yes David will sort you out 24 inch genuine half x
  7. Same nugget who told me his ferret killed a fox also swore blind his whippet bitch had fallow and not just once loads of times what day mekof that
  8. Cats are a right nuisance they get everywhere even in real bad weather there out in the fields killing birds and things but there the first ones to moan if they get mullerd be dogs
  9. That's because I act a twat
  10. Was 40 yesterday so went for hangover walk this morning nothing about and ground frozen so just walked round the black dog spent most of the time flirting wi the terrier bitch that's just come in season might breed some bullsalerdales
  11. Probably got 25 less the thousand lol your a lucky lad
  12. That's more rabbits than I've ever seen anywhere in a whole season
  13. They usually say no piss off to me so just go on anyway
  14. Defo mate let me know where u are I'll get the moped out
  15. I feel your pain brother but don't write them off vets are right fannies and always look to rest dog's forever there tough as old boots and hopefully come back quicker than you think
  16. You dint white witch his bum hole did you poor old deep
  17. That's another one got the ump I'll never find the 1 at this rate pisses me off
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