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Black neck

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Everything posted by Black neck

  1. Hopefully this is same then mate don't mind cuts and rips so much at least you know what's what but weird growths I'm not keen
  2. That was joke btw I'm always tekkin the piss ?
  3. Sounds like you need out cross blood I've got just the dog
  4. I come on here looking for honest advice and all I get is folk tekking the piss well I'm sick on it
  5. I thought thorn so did me mate but it's well hard like grissle and if you squeeze it nowt happens
  6. About size of a pea like grissle can squeeze it don't bother the bitch any ideas?
  7. Just remembered a nights lamping I had wi ceasar and his crew nightmare tearing up them farmers fields wi them chariots right game it was never again
  8. Undershirt or overshot don't bite any difference
  9. Ok ok you can have a lining just leave the honey badgers alone
  10. Don't make any difference mate
  11. On a walk out a few year ago we were just saddling up to come home when my hound took off and fetched a wolf back well William the conqueror turned round to me and said "that's a real un that" always remember it
  12. I will have to see it work best of 3 warthog should do it or 5 Frankensteins
  13. Your right lurcher man was getting far too emotional consider it turned in Ps what's a melt?
  14. Looking for a f***ing Doberman to out cross it's the only thing I can think of to improve this ancient Celtic line
  15. It's Glen of imaal x slougi wi a dash of ancient Celtic hound no bull they wernt invented when this line wor started
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