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Black neck

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Everything posted by Black neck

  1. Can't fault that well done young un
  2. Atb to her mate got a real old bitch in kennel she got a hernia or something getting bigger but she 15 this year still eating shitting properly an some days acts like a pup I think the general would kill her so leave her till she tells me otherwise ?
  3. Always time for a curry Phil ?
  4. Well tried to put video on same as what I put the pics but it come up you can only load such an such amount of data tbd it were only me terrier nobbling a couple the lurcher still got stitches in and the young dog still a nob how's your bitch doing k bin in yet
  5. I've not got a utube name pal I'm well basic
  6. Fair play only see munty and fallow anyroad
  7. On a serious note they ain't gonna catch note on top may as well run it usen imo get a lurcher of some description
  8. I've tried nl but it appears I'm too thick
  9. Looks a nice pup to me up to you now mate
  10. Good nobble on the rats done a little video but woudnt load ?
  11. Good nobble on the rats done a little video but woudnt load ?
  12. There all dog's how did they manage to breed them I'm amazed
  13. Wether you want to or not the forum rules state that anyone new has to be given stick
  14. They should be able to order boxes of chicken backs chefs get them for making stock I know what you mean tho they reckon they can't sell bones or waste meat because of safety or summat load of crap I reckon
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