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Black neck

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Everything posted by Black neck

  1. What makes you say that dan I know shaddy does a lot of deer stalking wi the rifle and a fair bit of ferreting and the rabbits are wierd looking beggers round his neck of the woods some on em very inbred
  2. Quick update lads penny told me to bollox but country c**t stepped up what a game lad
  3. Oh yeah birds gonna do the weigh in?
  4. Right I've got northy in mickys corner , shaddy working in gb corner the ref will be katchum and ask Mr Lloyd to do the commentry, maybe scycat will be the ring girl I've not asked her yet so don't get excited
  5. He must be a good mate if he don't mind your dog pissing a over his dog must stink
  6. What weight class are you lads fighting at
  7. Is this gonna be pay per view or on normal telly if it's ppv 'll have to listen to it on talk sport and that Alan Brazil gets on me tits
  8. Know a bloke that used to breed and still does tiny little beddy xs remember seeing 2 litter sisters that had to be dug to times and they had 60 odd munty between them pre ban like although I spoke to someone who skinned a few for him and said they were knackered not bad for dog's 17 18 inch tho
  9. Had a collie whippet years ago was good enough i reckon a patt or any earth dog x whip would be good you ever seen 1?
  10. Sal whip collie Gray Wheaton bull deer beddy giz a clue bill
  11. Seen some of his fights iron chin ain't he tough as old booots
  12. Not easy to jump wi a rabbit hanging down I know mine would have left it tother side and jumped over then looked at me gone out?
  13. Yes and lot easier to find I wouldn't know anyone with the terrier to use expect people do tho
  14. Yes the young bitch was coming on brilliant but now she started thinking for itself there's no hope you be best to gift her to someone ..... Maybe from leicstershire
  15. When we had bear's in this country a dog meeting 1 head on got eaten so the dog's were trained and bred to attack the bum hole the blood shows in some of the arse grabbers bred today we don't like them now days but a dog that went straight for the shitter was highly prized at 1 time
  16. No problem mate nice whippet any pics of your bulldog
  17. You say greyhound bred for speed what are whippets bred for brains?
  18. Beautiful dog tad on the light side for a non ped maybe show it a bit more feed bowl
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