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Black neck

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Everything posted by Black neck

  1. As I said already lurch it's not my dog I upped my offer to 15 grand but he won't sell and I don't blame him , the dog lines 3 bitches a day at 500
  2. You after an invite penda your going the right way about it
  3. The dog's were slipping and sliding about falling over and so was I but rabbits just skim over the mud and shit like Jesus
  4. Not sure dint ask his name
  5. Just been out for bush round don't think I can remember the ground being so water logged needed waders, anyroad dog's done well caught a pike
  6. Sounds good most of me family have been to oz apart from me but I don't do well in the heat it got up to 7 degrees here today and I was running round in me pants
  7. That's good then what fish do you catch?
  8. Any of them crocodiles in that river?
  9. How's young bunaaaard coming on mate
  10. When you say genuine pace do you mean it can't catch anything or can't catch everything if that makes any sense
  11. Well I have a bitch bin a good un had a few offers of studs some what have seen her work some just on looking at the bitch which is all wrong anyroad the bitch has faults as they all do but I know mesen I won't breed off her tho some people think I'm nuts to me she ain't good enough and that's that
  12. No coz in his eyes he already had the best and therein lies the problem
  13. Not getting drawn into that lark just wanted to use some of this vas up
  14. That is probably the most embarrassing thing I've ever seen I reckon I could do better than that
  15. The dog's they use on hogs look twice the size of the game dog's might be wrong spose you could use either
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