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Black neck

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Everything posted by Black neck

  1. Just dawned on me that I bin moaning about wet ground when some folk have had there houses flooded out ect So sorry about that
  2. I see what sort of size was the f1 I'm just interested because round these parts most beddy cross are fairly small A lot of whip xs and even the grey xs are 22 ish or smaller good dog's tho never had 1 but deff would
  3. Right ok then if I come up I'll bring you a proper bedlington
  4. Fussy f****r what beans you want then Sorry about this saltmoon it's gone to beans again
  5. Hee hee must have a tickle deer hound
  6. Bruce looks over 22 inch so he can't be a beddy cross
  7. I know mate I just seen your reply on wet ground thread 2 birds wi 1 stone I'll come up to Scotland on the Shetland pony and load the saddle bags wi tins of hp and Branson even hienz smuggle them over the border for you Can't say fairer than that can i
  8. Kop alt of his arse hole and squeeze like fook he may shout a bit but is actually loving it
  9. Wise words bill your be in the running for the silver tin opener at this rate
  10. I'll have word wi big Pete from Wolverhampton
  11. Ar bill knows his way round a bean
  12. To soft on that cook you are why didnt you get the butler on it
  13. You be right mate just tek it steady ,I completely ruined a perfectly good lurcher when in me teens by rushing into things , the dog ended up the hardest mouthed non retrieving thing ever and as a bonus yapped like fook and was petrified of fox
  14. What with ferrets yes , biking not till he's grown properly and I don't mean just have him tearing about the countryside any old how you Norris just let him be a pup?
  15. It's his pie filling we can't all have foir grar wi us beans
  16. I wouldn't bother wi any of that fitness lark just show him sheep and other stock and ya ferrets if you got them and basic recall, bit retrieving soon be too bollicking hot
  17. Well done bill knew you wunt let me down Ps that plate is next level
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