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Black neck

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Everything posted by Black neck

  1. Yes mate they were a good team on fox lol ,the little lurcher done it's damndest to get to ground and the terrier waited for a bolt , it would jump straight on the mask on top but ask her to go to ground scared of the dark Not what is required ?
  2. Had a little bitch when I was a kid she had border and beardy collie in her only 19" tts she took plenty rabbits the odd hare and fox
  3. I know what you mean mate what dog's do you run pal
  4. Just opened a tin of the finest, only to find a half tin already in the fridge no one else wants any so I gotta eat a stupid amount of beans now
  5. Ok mate seems reasonable to me But what about SMASHING things
  6. So hankooks are good now , well note wrong wi that dog looks like he's doing the biz but is he game and willing to SMASH things Smash things I said
  7. Not sure about your cricket team tho
  8. Do you hunt in your summer ? It must be a million degrees ?
  9. Wolverine would be a better cross ima
  10. Nice mate sound little pup that ?
  11. Think he's trying to tell you seasons finished each to there own tho did you have beans on toast after
  12. I've killed the c**t and btw that weren't my dinner can't talk no more ?
  13. Yes they don't cost much about 12 quid ffs I'll stand pap if it's helps some one out I'm giving it away
  14. They should be smashing stuff hee hee hee that's the spirit brother ?
  15. We're seeing the counciler tommorow but it's too late as far I'm concerned Scetty hoops ffs
  16. Well must be me then Trev but like I said there free to anyone that can Mel use on um?
  17. Well lads the missus got back from a night out couple hours ago I could here voices and thought maybe she pulled, but no just one of her pals, but things were far more sinister than I'd imagined . I found this monstrosity I'll never forgive the bitch
  18. I couldn't get them to stay on tried different tapes but it didn't last five minutes got a pair of leather stop pad protectors wi the fleece lining if anyone wants them I'll post them to ya for nowt
  19. I also heard it's good for bdsm whatever that is
  20. Was just walking the dog's back up the road when a bloke on the opposite side shouted me that I'd dropped 1 of the leads and the dog was trotting along behind I thanked him then his dog a Scotty thing bolted across to my dog's an and a car screeched and missed it be an inch , he had about 12 foot of lead out
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