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Black neck

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Everything posted by Black neck

  1. If you don't show anyone a last year's birds nest no one Will know where it is Bruce Lee or Forsyth
  2. Fair play bill a mate of mine just copped a new job working for an undertakers Tbd I just couldn't ask
  3. It's hard to get decent raw for some folks bill I can only get chicken sheep and tripe minced the butchers are gay and won't let you even buy waste off them and the road kill round here is mainly smelly old Brock
  4. I don't see why they wouldn't be an alrounder depending on size a 22 " dog can do most things much smaller might struggle with certain things but you never know
  5. Best way wi goats don't you eat um usen or are them old boots
  6. Note wrong wi having a lamb carcass hung up
  7. Some cracking beddy x about for that sort of work what you Mel of them on the beddy x thead
  8. How do you get pics like that , time I got me phone out and fell over it's all done fair play mate
  9. 1 things for sure I won't win owt wi that mash up
  10. Come on then show us what your feeding um who collects the most likes wins a prize I know just humour me
  11. If feeling uneasy about killing milky does and young in the summer the best thing to do is write down each rabbit you get and for each 1 killed add 30 seconds to the time you spend flailing usen wi nettles , sounds wierd but it works
  12. Nice he his looks quick atb wi him
  13. I like that 1 how big is it
  14. I don't use a bow saw nor do I hang out the window wi 1 , start that game itl soon be like Fred carno's round ya yard
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