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Black neck

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Everything posted by Black neck

  1. No need to thank me pal.id help anyone
  2. No mate rolled lamb neck tucked beneath the mattress and the frame Or so I'm told
  3. No I dint read a tread about action man but when I was a youngster I loved fiddling wi action man twas lekker
  4. She be right mate Nice pair a taiters btw
  5. Come on lads we've all accidentally posted pictures of our knackers at some point ?
  6. Well that bitch was finished a good few year ago depends what work there doing I suppose mine always have to run no standing about waiting like
  7. No don't tell me action man's bent now
  8. Well me old girl might teach them how to get things out passer bys shopping bag wi out um noticing but work wise she's done brother
  9. Yes mate it is that's a bitch in my pic the lump underneath is a hernia poor old bugger
  10. I know what your on wi mate this one's a silly bollox cross nob neck But the lad can graft
  11. He's a young lad and he's bred some pups it's up to him surely On the other hand we could just give him stick he is young
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