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Black neck

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Everything posted by Black neck

  1. Looks a cracker mate atb wi him
  2. Yeah it looks good wi the rabs but there's always the threat of the dreaded myxi hope we get away wi it again last time were bad
  3. Now the seasons finished there always seems to be loads of wildlife about I know it's breeding time but I'm sure there taking the piss rabbits in numbers , seen muntjac slots where never seen 1 all winter and foxes seem to be going out there way to get in the way of things , what you reckon to it brothers
  4. Now the seasons finished there always seems to be loads of wildlife about I know it's breeding time but I'm sure there taking the piss rabbits in numbers , seen muntjac slots where never seen 1 all winter and foxes seem to be going out there way to get in the way of things , what you reckon to it brothers
  5. Come on now I said choice and modern day loads of times ffs
  6. Well in the modern day it's all about choice if you choose not to eat meat then it's your individual choice because you choose your path and it's this choice that lets you choose your choice but lets not be choosy about who's choice it is to choose in the modern day
  7. What do you do wi the socks off em
  8. Sounds good are the rab heads got the skin on me ferrets have them like
  9. Birra rabbit for tommorow s snap
  10. That's it kick a man when he's down
  11. Dya reckon you could do a portrait of our Robert
  12. If I wernt hiding in the loft wearing me grandad s combat fatigues I'd come for an off liner you horrible man
  13. Yeah black birds finches and thrushes not good I hate cats
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