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Black neck

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Everything posted by Black neck

  1. Wunt mind them being a nuisance round here mate as for the bear I don't blame him lol
  2. I know hats off to these lads what get the action shots I've tried but usually comes out as the sky or some mud as I fell on me arse in all the excitement
  3. Thank fook for that I dint sleep a wink and that's the truth
  4. Yeah they tend to stop doing that as them get older not always tho
  5. Ahh so it was them types you went to hee hee hee
  6. You know there trying when they come home wi mud on the back lol
  7. Looks good gb watch out for bear's round them caves tho nice to see roe on the mouch mate don't get many round these parts although I did cop for a fly tipped paw patrol bunk bed the other morning
  8. What do you mean fast for a bull x I've never been so insulted in my life NEVER
  9. Both mate with a real stubborn b*****d I used the tens setting then the vibrate still put the coller on now if were out bushing but rairly use it and never use the pulse
  10. I got 1 from Pac dog for me terrier she was a nightmare tried everything in the end was going to pts at me wits end Anyroad got the coller was a different dog within a week best thing I ever bought this was the most head strong dog out would f**k off for hours or half a day if they work on her should work on ote
  11. What I wunt do for a couple of big ones
  12. Ffs there just humouring me like the village idiot what stands in the corner pub saying things and everyone tolerates cos he ain't right ?
  13. Likes ! Oh come on I expected a sherricking for that comment
  14. Your wrong there , the only true lurcher is a greyhound and terrier hybrid
  15. There's a lot of lads with young dog's starting this coming September more than last year be nice to see how you all get on
  16. Be careful not to be over critical of the dog he's only 11 month Best get him out on the lamp tonight before the season finishes
  17. Yeah me too mate with the amount I take each season ill soon have that packet of rizla ive always wanted
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