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Black neck

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Everything posted by Black neck

  1. Your right Accidental mating indeed I bet they sell an all
  2. She looks good mate but the 1 that broke was like that so watch you don't run her on slabs the 1 I have will be pts after she had the litter
  3. I've heard good things about the road brush he's tooth x toilet back to a standard council
  4. Put a pic up but cover it's bristles
  5. That's a cracker mate what's the breeding
  6. Or was it a challenge hard to tell anyroad if you need a hand wi them coos I'll be glad to help you out pal
  7. Me first invite ok it's just sweeping up but it's a start
  8. Nice fast uns how you doin
  9. Good for.him bull x can be crafty as But wiout the fussyness hee hee hee
  10. There's a few boar not many deer And the odd hare where I bin I deffo wunt run a dog too rough like
  11. My mistake brother sorry for that and no I'm not surprised it meks a rabbiter they well can do Lovely un mate looks like he keeps busy ?
  12. Spot on that age no probs
  13. Oh I am sorry if it's not to your standards ?
  14. 12 months mate showed it a bit this smornin it's deffo a single handed brush I'm really pleased with her
  15. 1 of the lads off here travelled through the night and bring me this ' it's not brilliant but it's nippy and game enough will do till me litter of brushes come Anyone got and grass seed
  16. That's good to know in the mean time if happen on a brush lerrus know
  17. Well lads I'm no closer to a new brush then when I started the thread has now turned sinister and katchum deffo dosnt want a relationship I'm depressed
  18. I prefer the term transgender
  19. If you wouldn't mind that would be lovely
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