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Black neck

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Everything posted by Black neck

  1. Whats that explain You want to see a picture of me lurchers
  2. What more than 2 miles? nose bleed
  3. No problem brother in truth your opinion means more to me than all the stars in the sky Speak
  4. Tek it you wanted to be murdock Well tough shit
  5. Anyone wanna play A team ill be murdock
  6. I dont know mate me heads spinning on this tread
  7. Dont pick on mushroom from what i can gather hes in spain got enough problems
  8. I reckon 1 of them must be that saltmoon right nasty birra kit he is lol?
  9. Yeah but you just banter you dont try to roll any f****r up
  10. I just dont get why any one dont like anyone on here you never met ffs but then again i never met packham but take it from i BELLEND
  11. Your in trouble now you fuckers
  12. f**k it its a lurcher hope its a gudun
  13. Not 38 58 then unless the 34 x is a reverse My brain hurts
  14. There must be some tired lads about this morning must be conditioning them sens for lamping staying up all night argueing
  15. Ahh yes i thought it was a 3/4 cross back to a whippet but its not is it Im not very bright
  16. No way mate your a flipping nice bloke
  17. Its less than 8th fred think its 16th but could be wrong some clever bollox will sort it
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