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Black neck

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Everything posted by Black neck

  1. Well what about 1 of these bull x cousing type things can do abit of ote
  2. Was you having to give your dog up about a year ago due to a trip to the blue brick think on here not judging mate its how life goes if im wrong then just ignore Every one else does?
  3. Well not small medium sized his bitch yella Smooth coated black had odd rabbits in anight if some one told you it was a col or beddy or ote you wunt argue percentage wise i dont know Im not knocking the bloke he put it out there be writing a book about the feckrr
  4. Yeah well i wanted to say the rest of it but didnt want to come across as a know it all?
  5. The lad how did you manage to get lumberd wi that Sounds like you got spun a yarn anyroad you already said hes handy might do the young un some good if not shoot the b*****d
  6. Pm if you want the proper gear
  7. Sounds like you bought an old knacker Why are you wearing leggings
  8. Well the dog looks pretty awesome but out of the 2 bitches i prefered the red bitch thats all mate note wrong with the other litter
  9. You use a pruning saw and a chain saw you never use a bow saw admit it
  10. Thats kind of what i meant the crows but but i used saws as a euphenism Ohh get me
  11. Yeah but thats the same as starting off wi a bow saw then breeding it to end up wi a chainsaw when you could of just got a chainsaw in the first place
  12. I would go for 1 out of this litter rather than the other 1 and out?
  13. Only problem wi that is i quite often run out of towels and it gets a ball ache having to keep going down the kennels to borrow 1
  14. Each to them own i reckon me i put that shredded tissue stuff in winter and dust free pine shavings in summer but wi ote like that you get through some brushes
  15. I like the pups alot the lad i prefer the running type bull x mesen as appose to a lugger Ps are them skinny jeans wish i had the legs fo em?
  16. Ffs gi um chance the lad me 34 bull cross looked like a whip till she were 12 month then filled out to bit of a tank
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