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Black neck

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Everything posted by Black neck

  1. Your right thinking about it was a buff orpington my mistake
  2. I would appreciate it if you didnt
  3. This threads gone flipping discusting you know theres ladies on this site what they gonna think when they read this abomination Im actually ashamed of you peter but saltmoon well im shocked Cain cant help it him welsh
  4. Yes thats what i meant But that wasnt the bite i was hoping for these bedlington fellas are pretty hard to wind up fair play
  5. I think the point is beddlingtons are made up of mostly poodle and snauzer but there mart be other breeds in there too like collie or bht you just dont know
  6. Me neither im never allowed to join ote
  7. I wunt live up there wi them things stalking about the place there the size of a lion but faster No way man
  8. Yeah red about this they break them to sheep and other stock for they release them its a good idea
  9. What are you confused about furgal that makes perfect sense
  10. Prime example looks the bollox is the bollox
  11. If it looks the part it usally is You look at any decent working dog whatever cross or pure you can tell if its right to do the job wether it does or not different matter
  12. If you dont show anyone a last years bods neest no one will know where it is
  13. Oh yes your mates dog i read it as your dog for some reason Quite right
  14. Well the first post says lets see some and so far not 1 just saying like
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