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Black neck

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Everything posted by Black neck

  1. The epic battle between vampire and merle made it into 4 different books you had 2 hand it 2 the guy he was a raconteur of some note
  2. Merle was a seasoned fighter
  3. Trapped in the back of a drier and unable 2 shake the rat which hung on 2 her cheek like the very devil sending her into paroxisms of rage ffs
  4. Alas when shown a dead fox San would hightail it back 2 my vehicle lest I should follow him with the hated cadaver
  5. It always seems 2 be bull terrier that's added 2 everything even the slop warriors are saturated wi it ,earthdogs, lurchers ,racing greyhounds even man biting dogs now what's next guide dogs for the blind
  6. You knew what u were doing ffs
  7. It's nothing 2 do wi race and everything 2 do wi culture
  8. Good on ya Bruce I'm having barramundi
  9. Well strike me handsome, I'm going lasiters for some takka
  10. Untainted by the desert scourge
  11. Keep the dogs out them nets ffs ,there be hell 2 pay
  12. I recall one of the top bulldog men admitted that he had 2 leave a venue smamefaced when his best dog refused 2 scratch when faced wi the awesome sight o some fluffy hocks and lugholes
  13. If u ain't seen it u ain't lived
  14. Hey its Derek an he's gone apeshit
  15. I couldn't think.of ote worse ,it runs off and bites folks and kills dogs ,neither use nor ornament
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