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Black neck

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Everything posted by Black neck

  1. I liked the fact that he seemed honest and was a connoisseur of the hop and when out hunting if midday came around his throat become uncommonly dry
  2. 2 months it's took for anyone 2 bite and your not even Irish
  3. As I recall you struggled wi trees there ok for field provided u moe the grass 8l7
  4. Just get an xm30 and stop being gay
  5. Charity starts at home the said
  6. He may well emerge from his shell and grow in confidence
  7. If u ain't bit a bitches box off u ain't lived furg
  8. Bit calm and subdued for my liking but good nonetheless
  9. The epic battle between vampire and merle made it into 4 different books you had 2 hand it 2 the guy he was a raconteur of some note
  10. Merle was a seasoned fighter
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