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Black neck

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Everything posted by Black neck

  1. Your need the super long distance shockers
  2. We would of loved waste water ,we had 2 drink carling
  3. We would loved to have drowned
  4. Back when I were a lad the dog had 2 feed the whole street ,live on the roof and only get fed thrice every 2 year If it were lucky
  5. Yes mate there called grave shrooms, only grow in places where homicide has occurred, looking at the amount reckon the might be 2 under there
  6. Stone the flaming crows go and bladdy get one fack ya
  7. Yeah arry is the man and a nice chap Not sure about franks dad comes across as a bit of a dosser
  8. Ahh see maybe one these acd crosses then run on ote them
  9. Like longlineing a chicken nugget off the Humber bridge
  10. Every dog has summat you don't like ,you thought about a grew sharpen things up ,maybe not collie clever but compared 2 a coursing bred fecking Einstein
  11. Arry I've dug up all them Jazzy spuds as the slugs were starting 2 ramp wi um.do they keep.and how's best to keep them there's a few stone on um
  12. Well the must be something u don't like about the bitch tell me what it is immediately
  13. Gorra get um out ,I'd rather your temperatures than this heat mate
  14. It's bin touching 30 degrees most days here nay chance, Dogs looking sporting john
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