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Black neck

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Everything posted by Black neck

  1. Nice see the young uns out doing abit bless um
  2. good job u added that I was gonna gi u stick , old Ken still about but I ain't got 6 month too listen 2 all that lot ,I don't breed dogs so I don't know ote was just interested how many generations u at now mate The dogs like
  3. I see what your saying but there's related and there's inbred I don't mean half brothers sisters ect that's really an outcross u feel.me
  4. But that's not inbred there is an out cross somewhere wouldn't u agree
  5. Same line as in brothers and sisters
  6. How long can this lark carry on for u reckon
  7. You have to out cross at some point or your end up like my uncle sister
  8. Some of the so called top lines of bull terrier lurchers started out this way
  9. I personally wash them wi timotea but my mate swears by dipping the feet in a tincture of tobacco stalks ground down a bit of sea salt and parsnip
  10. Ha jokes on you that's me brother /mum
  11. I agree lads he's a complete dosser and could learn alot about foot care from bangers and hare Krishna
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