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Black neck

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Everything posted by Black neck

  1. Still get a tin o the finest down I.must admit
  2. I can't hold a shit for long these days mate
  3. You won't find levi on here now mate last i heard he was in Papua new guinea mekkin contact wi undiscovered tribes story goes he absentmindedly flicked his fag lighter and the local chieftains mistook him for some kind of evil spirit and ate him
  4. It's the strong head of the Rotherham terrier
  5. Your just the right age for gerrin started
  6. Well ranging out is in there nature ,infact ranging out and never coming back is a speciality
  7. Yeah feck them feathers poofs we stick with are Staffordshires
  8. That's it don't listen 2 these pair o cs that are doing this type of hunting all the time ,cob a saluki up there show um how it's done u dosser
  9. Make a mess of your dogs if they bump.into one of these feckers of a night ill tell ya
  10. You forget an old man in a mountain tavern
  11. I knew that would summon the green
  12. That's nothing a whippet can't do
  13. Ffs that's 8 minutes and u got go home dogs fecked
  14. An hour is 1 run for a saluki So I'm told
  15. Looks like we're gonna have 2 have a straightener over this
  16. I use the safe bed paper strip stuff few quid but seems to last ages I used shavings before started this stuff
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