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Black neck

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Everything posted by Black neck

  1. Some like hold um some like fold um I like to doss
  2. It's not the winning or the loosing it's the taking part ?
  3. Oh your 2 modest most dossers on here's dogs would of jacked on a quater o the work yours got by that age
  4. I wear a brand new leopard skin pillbox hat
  5. Reg the hob ferret used 2 go in and drag the rabbit out that had held the Jill up ,never seen it before or since he was the size of a terrier tho
  6. Never had it mate but I had haggis once that's goats bowels I think.
  7. You'll show him the odd rabbit back end o the season u dosser
  8. Pigs heeds was always a thing for dogs ,I was speaking 2 the butcher an he said that the reason u don't get much pork is that most of a pig get used in some form or another for human consumption so the ain't really much waste for dog meat unlike lambs beef steers and poultry U know
  9. Nah bruh I ain't that guy ,I'll buy them off u
  10. Nice partridge or woodcock is a good thing ,them mini owls are a pain tho
  11. Some dogs won't be stopped by the collar if there 2 far gone
  12. 2 ffs hull retires his at 2 having done 5 seasons
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