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Black neck

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Everything posted by Black neck

  1. What is the meaning o this line of questioning.,first your trying 2 get me to.have a beer in some far off land now your asking in depth questions regarding my phallus
  2. I have many mental deficiencies and I often get erections for no apparent reason
  3. What the bleddy hell is happening now ,who's mate has a living room and why
  4. It matters little in this country you only need slop slappers
  5. It was bound 2 be one them Asian grooming gangs dog lads wunt be involved in any that caper
  6. I don't drink.jok where u at then
  7. Leicestershire mate just this side o the border of zombie land
  8. From a farm shop I get summat called safebed it's not the wax stuff but similar I spose, I don't mind paying 20 dob ,when I used 2 drink that would last me about 20 minutes ?
  9. Well done ? it's 5 more than mine ,I'm going for longest run of consecutive blanks atm
  10. Greb is like a higher power wi a huge cult following his disciples dance about the shop speaking in tongues wearing akita style head dresses Word
  11. Well done wallie what were the weather like
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