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Black neck

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Everything posted by Black neck

  1. Tha looks a complete dosser int top pic
  2. I had 1 o them ,it were to loose and fell off
  3. Ffs would homemade individual beef wellingtons help wi jumping the queue
  4. It's all I think about day and night
  5. I hear there's a waiting list on them jam tarts
  6. There very capable on all quarry is what I've bin told jigsaw
  7. Never really ,I got filled in up town a few year ago if that's any good
  8. They can catch ote on ote all quarry is grist 2 there insatiable mill
  9. Back in my mining valley we would throw the whole litter in a coal truck wi old brock and see which welp would pull out its milk teeth on his grizzled hide
  10. Often dreamed of giving up my teaching job and going non the road full time
  11. With this gibberish your really spoiling us
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