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Black neck

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Everything posted by Black neck

  1. You.can fly birds at any quarry except protected species, even deer and fair play 2 the falconry lads
  2. You was thinking o the lad wi the big black picardy cross furg
  3. Abit aggy what he bites your arse ?
  4. Maybe leave him till next season
  5. It's in a red tube ,just go in tell um.kids got ringworm and they'll gi it ya
  6. Truth is Harry us English taught the Scots Welsh and Irish to hunt ,before that time they all just staggerd about aimlessly and cannibalising each other
  7. Camrosa if good stuff you got 2 slaver it on tho and it gets in your hair if you ain't careful, u can get anti fungal cream from the chemist about 2 nicker ,gets shot of ring worm and hot spots and all manor o carbuncle
  8. I know furg we must agree 2 disagree about a spaniel catching as much as a terrier from what I seen ratting and bushing rabbits a terrier will kill alot more ,flushing and retrieving spaniel be better ,flushing bigger stuff be on par wi each other maybe ,and you not got 2 worry about a spaniel pissing off 2 ground and knackering the job up .if you don't agree wi what I'm saying then u stink ?
  9. I keep thinking about a cocker or a cross I miss the terrier when the ĺrunners mark heavy cover ,but I don't miss it keep disappearing under the sod No problem ?
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