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Black neck

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Everything posted by Black neck

  1. I found out later the cat had bin depressed for some time
  2. I may of told this yarn before I call it the tale o the kamikaze cat ,well it were a bit ago now so I can tell it without fear of repercussions from folk clad in homemade hemp garments and smelling of bullrush roots ,I had bin mooching about had 3 lurchers and a terrier on leads when I was accosted by 2 ittinerants they regaled me wi tales of there hunting prowess and I nodded abit just then a ginger cat appeared in the opposite driveway and as quick as I dragged the dogs away it kep on coming and leaped the last few yards and got stuck into the nearest dog ,well within seconds the cat had dou
  3. I can't abide cat killers vampire was the very devil for it
  4. I'll give it flacko 2 bring up wi your mystery shipment ?
  5. My mate that does non ped racing recons u can run faster than a pedigree whippet uself ?
  6. Found out what happened 2 your last shipment of illegally smuggled Dr ortgers Driving the land again ffs
  7. [BANNED TEXT] a rabbit beat the dog on the lamp our Robert would shout ,like fecking hares round here
  8. You don't get the fun off trying 2 catch them up tho
  9. Fair play longun she looks a picture mate
  10. Yep and sometimes they won't move just in the top of a hedge regardless of missiles and outrageous language, never tried the mock tree climb tho
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