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Black neck

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Everything posted by Black neck

  1. Sounds 2 me said boy was the product of a Marxist father and a harridan mother ,the latter intent on crushing the boys interests the former only concerned wi the clock making its inevitable journey to 6 o'clock and opening time
  2. Some c got candle wax on the second un Either that else shat on it
  3. In Coalville that breeding would be considered a risky outcross
  4. Calm down and pass us one them fondant fancies
  5. Sorry lads I was just being a turd
  6. Omg are u OK.my bootlace snapped when I was doing them up.monday morning tbh I just feel.numb don't think.it has sunk in yet
  7. Not at this present time ,why I've still got me looks the rent boying is keeping me going just ,maybe in a few months
  8. 100 nicker a Jill ferret and a fen trap. Any good
  9. I didn't get it I'll find out ,got loads of hunting prints some in boxes hiding in various places
  10. See that bull in there well back well done ,most would of conveniently forgot 2 put that in and just made up a name instead ?
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