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Black neck

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Everything posted by Black neck

  1. I.eat alot of plant sterols and I do 2 much running and boxing 2 get a cough
  2. I don't bleddy know its not my dog ,now pass us them lemon drizzles for the all gone
  3. A grass seed lodged in the snozzer hole could be the problem me owd son
  4. Yes people should be more innovative like yourself
  5. Well.if everyone had that attitude we wouldn't even have decent bog roll
  6. Iced cream buns wi raspberries indeed
  7. He wernt lone tho allus had his mate wi him You know
  8. Well when I say found out it wre only getting kicked in the testicles but it were finding out 2 us
  9. I was 33 before I found out that bread wasnt made of rice
  10. I would fight kimbo fecking slice any day o the week the big dosser
  11. Well when u speak 2 him tell him the score
  12. I got a fan but it meks a row so I cobbed it
  13. Well it's a shame ,I heard him and Bill Hardy were on some people trafficking tip but I ain't sure about all that ,it's sickening that mad bill and the leotard puff won't be back on here
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