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Black neck

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Everything posted by Black neck

  1. Not overly keen on cuzza then jig
  2. Full collie might be the way forward imo
  3. What I was thinking, but I never seen it before
  4. Was the cut on the pad behind that toe
  5. Your have 2 excuse him ,there understanding of words is very limited where he resides, in fact most o the time they communicate wi clicks and screams and wave sticks around its unnerving 2 say the least
  6. If he's out there and if u can find him maybe you can hire collie john
  7. If its not stock broke then hangings 2 good for thee Fact
  8. I just done a job for a gordie bloke and after everything he said he kep on saying you know You know
  9. I'll put a sparing vid up.if you mek.a summer pudding and celebrate the summer solstice on the heath
  10. I.eat alot of plant sterols and I do 2 much running and boxing 2 get a cough
  11. I don't bleddy know its not my dog ,now pass us them lemon drizzles for the all gone
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