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Black neck

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Everything posted by Black neck

  1. Alas Merle was a seasoned fighter
  2. On lead and he's standing on its front foot lest it should tear into that wool like the very devil
  3. I.like them but everybody grows them so can't even give them away I used to sell them 2 a mate that had a little shop but he retired selfish fecker was only ffs
  4. They look good arry ,I don't bother wi um no more 2 many get wasted and it gets 2 hot for them ,not this year tho it's pissed down lol
  5. Get some fecking sleep you ffs
  6. A large lurcher of this breeding could take over the world and no mistake
  7. They say until youv owed an acd lurcher your just playing at it
  8. Nice How's she bred beddy type
  9. Alas you were nursed by a lurcher bitch and lived a life of penury on the fens
  10. Has anyone got a happy yarn
  11. Ever thought of a career in counselling
  12. I have known lads be at there wits end with a saluki type pup ,returning 2 hand at a meer whistle even retrieving quarry ,but with a bit of patience and perseverance eventually the penny dropped and they were off ,and never come back
  13. They have been known 2 run off with great enthusiasm if left till they are mentally ready
  14. Collie whippet best daytime dog over a saluki ff mc hull will have a Sean when he reads this
  15. I had a brindle thing me dad got me ,I was 2 impatient and expected the dog 2 do everything after a couple of goes and if it didn't I gen up ,typical young spunker meks us cringe thinking about it ? if it rained when you were out the dog would run off and turn everyone bins over right c he was
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