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Everything posted by raptar

  1. this is why I was asking, I have some cheap 6-24x50 scope that I can see really well through, I also have a hawke 3-9x50 sport HD witch are ok but have no mil dot and the target looks a bit small at around 30m, and I have a 4-12x42 witch I think are f****d but I can see ok with. so I was just looking for some help to find a scope that I can use that doesn't cost more that my car.
  2. are these any good lads ? BSA Quarry King Scope QK6-24X50AO
  3. what the hell is this the big lump on the scope ?
  4. what I am looking for is something that I can just bring up to the eye to shoot from 10m to 50m without all the faffing around with adjustments, or is there no such thing ?
  5. lol x14 did not see that, thx all
  6. Hi all, what sort scopes do you find best or are you lot using for hunting with sub 12 air rifles ? 3-9x12 4-12x24 6-12x14 or what ever
  7. ok. thx all, I will stick with the baracuda and my ultra, but what about this lot no 1. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/NEW-Day-Night-Use-Rifle-Scope-Add-On-DIY-Night-Vision-Scope-w-Screen-IR-Torch/172912868905?ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT&var=471680928729&_trksid=p2055119.m1438.l2649 or no 2. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Night-vision-add-on-kit-to-add-to-your-existing-scope-with-6-month-warranty/192456139098?ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT&_trksid=p2055119.m1438.l2649 thx lads for input.
  8. Thank you all. now all I have to do is decide on what's my next big buy, night vision kit to go on my ultra or a .20 cal rifle. fare play lads you lot are great, thx.
  9. Hi all, I currently use the H&N BARACUDA 10.34gr for hunting but will it be better to use the H&N Rabbit Magnum II 15.74gr ? what's better, heavier or lighter in all sorts of conditions ? all in .177 cal + I am really happy with the .177 rifle that i got. is it worth getting a .22 rifle ? and if so why ? thank you all for the hellp as you lot really know your shit. and I do try to take it onboard.
  10. nice shooting , good job.
  11. http://www.airgunshooting.co.uk/basa-membership £14.95
  12. An 8 oz lead hitting someone or something on a snap off will do a lot of dmg
  13. are there any cheaper ones ? as I used to have a good insurance for my sea fishing and that was only £10 for 12 months.
  14. I don't think there are any hares around Carmarthenshire.
  15. Well I had my first time out with the BSA ultra this evening, It was a bit windy and cold but fun. 1st pic was my seat, 2nd pic was my view, 3rd pic my one and only shot also seen the biggest rabbit I've ever seen in the field next to me, but he seen me when I tried to maneuver for a shot on it.
  16. ok. thx lads, H&N barracudas it is then
  17. Hi all, As the rifle that I use is not pellet fussy, what would you lot recommend ? I have seen these H-N-SPORT-BARACUDA-HUNTER-177-CALIBRE-AIR-RIFLE-PELLET. 4.5 10.34 Grains and I am currently using these H-N-Field-Target-Trophy-177-Air-Rifle-Gun-Pellets. 4.5 8.64 Grains or shall I go for something like these ? Gamo-Pro-Hunter-177-DOMED-PELLETS 4.5 7.56 Grains It will be for hunting and targets , so looking for a allrounder. Thx all.
  18. Over the years I have had the police called on me, or they have stopped after seeing me picking lob's, They have even had a go a few times but to no avail. Ha ha ha
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