I bought gzk bands white and red and they snapped (straite in the kisser !). I contacted the guy on ebay who was selling them and gave me a refund and said he was stopping supplying them ,I will say that I liked them until they snapped after say 25 shots
Got the red and white handset 5 shots and a smack in the mouth,shit even the guy who owns the catapult supplies says he won't supply gzk again as they have had the same complaints
Seen this breed on crufts,they said it was a hound that works on its own and popular in Sweden but that's it,does anyone know anything about them.just interested and if you don't ask you still don't know and all that
Get some well rotted horse muck on there and double dig,then you can grow what you want then,double digging is for deep rooted veg patato , listen to what redneck said about crop rotation.personally I wouldn't bother with corn a waste of time,if we have a crap summer you will be late harvesting and I tell you now when the top is ready the bottom will be black once stripped.