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About Meece

  • Rank
    Extreme Hunter

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  • Location
    Kent, England
  • Interests
    Family, dog, mechanical engineering projects, reloading, shooting.

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  1. The op possibly thought that there was no response to his post. I don't come on here very often and I only found it by chance. your flooring is the same as our kitchen. Would it be possible for you to take some more pictures of your gun with more light on the gun. the pictures that you have been good enough to post are so unlit that they are just like black cardboard cut outs. It's nice to see gun porn. The floor is nice though.
  2. Another clearer picture of my #4 action showing the screws and locking screws and not just straight through pins.
  3. 26 inch barrels.??? #4s were all 28" barrels
  4. An image of my #4 from about 1974/5. The action is case hardened blue mottle and the action is flat sided as was the Yeoman ejector from the early 60s that I took in to a dealer to have it chopped up and get the set number taken offf my certificate. Now my old yeoman ejector had straight pins through the action but you'll notice that this action has covered screws which have counter locking screws. At the end of the day the op's gun looks in good condition although it looks like it could do with a bit of a clean up. both of my guns had 28 inch barrels. The OP's gun could have been sold th
  5. Well it could be a #4 or a yeoman ejector. There is a bit of oddness in the engraving across the top next to the top lever and the flat sort of plain side panel It is old,, possibly made in the 1960 > 1965 range. It is an ejector so it's not a #3 or a simple yeoman. But it could be a yeoman ejector. It's not the same as. My #4 but overall it's a bit plain. It needs a good clean. What are the barrel lengths. At least the screw slots haven't been hacked about and the gun slots are all in what appear to be in a std position. What are the proof marks and choke markings on the underside of
  6. Since when has taking a gun in for examination and repair been cheap.? With the current low,low price of guns unless it is at least a middle range gun it won't be worth repair. It's like modern cars. Any car over 3 years old doesn't have to have much of a bump to be classed as a write off. Can't see any gun reparer stripping a gun, and fitting one, or both pins and springs and giving it a clean reassembly for less than a couple of hundred. The days of a tenner are way gone.
  7. She looks like a good girl. Look at good ole niges face when he has his arm around her waist, love it, love it, love it
  8. She may have been paid to do it for publicity. You know that Nigel likes a bit of publicity. Its only a movie, "it's only a show".☆
  9. There aren't any available. same as powder, wads, shot or anything. I don't know where it is all going. I was told that the Italians on the Fiocchi Facebook page are all up in arms because they can't get anything. Production of everything must have all been changed over to military production headed out to Ukraine. PS. I've got all sorts of stock supplies. I'm ready for the revolution brother. PPS. AND NO. you're not having any. Sorry.
  10. I would have loved to have a 1.7 cf rifle ,,,, and I had a slot on my cert to get one but at the end of the day I couldn't justify getting one because I already had a 222 and a 223. Along with a ton of other guns. I just couldn't shoot that much. The problem here in the UK is that basically you can have what you want ; IF; you can justify the reason for having it. You cant just say "well I fancy having one" You have to have a sensible ,valid reason. Now,, pressure parts such as barrels are controlled items; SO you can't just order up a barrel and convert something. Shooting is difficult
  11. Are the breakages the same part. They can't all be faulty, The design has been around since the 1800s so the most likely fault is you. you're the weakest link. the common denominator.
  12. Meece


    Well, at least this thread hasn't been shut down due to someone mentioning the word Jews. Free speech still is alive.
  13. Meece


    It doesn't matter what country , there are good and there are bad. There's just as many scum good for nothing people in the uk that would rob you blind as there are genuine people. Take the Turkish. A unlimited country but personally I would prefer to operate with the Turks than the Greeks. I have found them are very honest and helpful. Meat is meat and it eats the same. What you have to do is to get your head around the fact that there is no benefit system and they have to take as much bounty out of the tourist as they can. That dont mean that they are a load of kaniving thieving fel
  14. Meece


    I've been to all of 5hose mentioned places. What people forget it that in the winter you have to go a long way down south to find heat. Not only that but in a lot of these places the season is over and there is nothing going on for tourists to see or do. As for not ever going to a Muslim country, that is very short sighted. They are just people like anyone. If they came here with that sort of attitude you would say what a load of arrogant people. If you go to THEIR COUNTRY with a sort of arrogant imperialistic attitude it doesn't represent this country. It all depends on what you are goin
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