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Everything posted by 17hornet

  1. Hi guys, I think that the general availability of 12g shells for target and field has somewhat changed the cost effectiveness of reloading them, market competition and volume used has pulled the price down. But less popular and less mass produced cartridges or specialised cartridges are easily made for a substantial saving. The 410 seems pretty expensive everywhere shot or solid, solid 12g slug cartridges too, 20g shot are not too bad. My local gunshop has solid 12g at $12+ for 10 shots, but I make 25 for around $3.50, retail of normal 12g target $12+/25, field $15+/25. The most expens
  2. How interesting to find discussion on my favourite cartridge. Yep the Hornady brass is soft, RWS softer again. I have found that the scale from hard to soft is Rem, Win, Hornady, RWS, and there are case dimensions that vary too. Never used the TB in 17H (mine is 17Ackley Hornet) as far as I know ADI that make the TB have not recommended it for use in smaller cartridges, mind you when they first brought it out it was not recommended for use in Bottle Necked Cartridges either. I make all my own 17H brass from .22H, but I have a forming die that does the neck, rare to find now that there
  3. Thanks for the welcome back. Well I have only had a brief time to look around as a new member and there are restrictions. So speaking from my limited look and see.. More marketing and articles (it is a commercial site), cleaner layout and more control (expected with software upgrades), it seems that the membership has grown and matured (longer residence by higher posts). The new member trial period is new, but that sort of was being installed/discussed when I faded out, same as paid membership/donator was starting to appear. Being a Moderator at another site I understand why those ch
  4. Hi guys (and girls), I used to be a member about 10 years ago, so long ago that I can not remember my original 'Login'. Many changes on this site since then it seems, but I really enjoyed my time here. Also back then I only had one young child. :-) I remember 'IanB'. I developed my online forum interests via this very site, and now I am a moderator of an Australian forum that has very much the same sorts of interests/topics of this one. Two very different environments over here and back in Australia, I love the countryside of the UK and it reminds me very much of Victoria in
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