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About JimRun

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    The Hills

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  1. Love the Beddy crosses. Hunt rabbits all day long then come home to sleep with the kids and the cat.
  2. That dog wants to please. They're a joy to work with when they're like that. Very nice pup you have there.
  3. Good point well made. I suppose she's inadvertently done us all a favour.
  4. So our lovely Prime Minister has just announced that there will be no vote on repealing the ban during this parliament. It's something a lot of folks in this community looked towards with anticipation but now it's light has been snuffed out.
  5. I have seen Lurchers used for bits of roughshooting but nothing on them tracking deer. Just wondering if anyone here had any stories or information.
  6. Hello all. First post. I have one Lurcher for running rabbits. Hoping to learn something here and make some friends and acquaintances.
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