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mendip farmer

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About mendip farmer

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  1. We blew our chance of making an impact when 750,000 of us like minded marched on London without any hassle we could of drew media attention from around the world and caused so much shit not just on the day for weeks costing the government so much money that wouldn’t of dared trying for a ban again peaceful March was a complete waste of time imho
  2. Was out walking my bull cross in the day dog is steady well behaved went round a blind corner on a hedgerow on some fields where I take him to stretch his legs two fawn coloured frenchies come out of nowhere steamed straight into him he’s worked regular on big stuff think he was has shocked as me woman with them was screaming no he picked one up and shook it left it with a tear in its back nightmare managed to sort the situation out eventually the woman couldn’t apologise enough all the time it was going on neither of them backed off once went away thinking f**k me they had some drive
  3. Has a kid I swapped eggs of woody under my brothers fantails he didn’t no at the time they hatched them then a cock fantail killed them both in the nest when there feathers came through I always thought it was something to do with the cock bird knew they was different had to tell my brother in the end because he was about to pull the neck on the cock bird
  4. Anyone tried a clam trap in a back garden if so what success did you have and what bait did you use
  5. not been on hear for ages glad I logged in great post and read love the old stuff cant beat it born twenty years to late. must of been great not to have to be looking over your shoulder every ten mins keep digging boys we owe to the likes of these past terriermen
  6. Is that Jim of moochers in the white shirt and black hat
  7. Lets just hope its not a f,king rifle and ba,tard night vision been lamping last four times out not so much has a pair of fox eyes around Derbyshire they need banning
  8. The demise started the minute the stupid c,nt tony blair and the immigration loving labour party brought in the hunting with dogs ban back in 2004, 14 years of rifle persecution is going to be hard for any species of animal to take, they never thought of the damage they was about to inflict on Charlie, Persecution will happen all year round that's because a lot of foxes are shot on stubbles and hard ground because theres a lot shooters very rarely leave the vehicle they are in don't want to get dirty I presume do Charlie a favour and stick to your x box games
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