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Everything posted by Phill-W68

  1. It's not easy to get those permissions, I started off with a dozen or so letters late last year with self addressed stamped envelopes to send back to me with a yes or no, had one reply so far which unfortunately was a no, so I,ll get a few more done this coming week or so, but it might be a case of knocking on doors.... Fingers crossed.....
  2. Cheers guys, got my delivery of .25 sample pellets yesterday went for a good selection of different makes, just waiting for my ultra now.... All the best for NEW YEAR
  3. Sorry to hear about your daughter mate... But just seen this..
  4. All sorted, got a msg off Tim today, samples are in the post be here tmoz...
  5. Haha, it was,nt the figure 8 I was looking at but hey....we all make mistakes ☺
  6. Many thanks, tried this number but no luck think they have turned their phones especially off altogether... ?
  7. Yes mate, direct email might be good, I've emailed the shop twice and had no response and the number I was given is not working... Thankyou
  8. Hi... Which product is best for cleaning out the barrel on a new air-rifle, I have read that there is usually a film of oil/grease which the manufacturers use to stop the barrel rusting?.. Thankyou...
  9. Thankyou, will give them a call tomorrow
  10. Hi peeps, just wondered if anyone on here works for Pellet Perfect or somebody has a Contact number for them, I went on their website before but they have taken their contact number off due to problems, but I need to co firm an order I made... Thankyou...
  11. Manchester , I will try n get a few pics of it put on in the next couple of days.
  12. View Advert HOYT COMPOUND BOW As above hoyt podium X37 compound bow, 27" drawlength, 50-60lb draw weight, extra modules to shorten/lengthen draw length, we strings& cables, changeable grips. ANY OFFERS.... Price drop £350... Advertiser Phill-W68 Date 06/12/17 Price £400.00 Category Other Fieldsports Equipment
  13. Ty for that, I've just phoned him and it's the superten...
  14. Hi... A friend of mine has an old Bsa superten bull barrel in .22 calibre with walnut stock, he has original paperwork when he purchased it 10 Yr ago, he is thinking of selling it to fund a new Bsa r10, has anyone got any idea what it is worth? V.g.c can get pics if needed. Just thought I,d ask first... Ty in advance.
  15. Many thanks phill, I got a link off villaman for a company so I've been on their website and they do a range of.25 pellet Samples.so I'm going to order a few of those to try, more than likely the lighter ones 18-25gr see how I get on, the bsa is on order, just waiting for It....
  16. Bsa ultra se .25 sub 12ft/lb, I was thinking anything under 25gr, as anything heavier I presume would be useless in sub 12ft/lb.....
  17. Thankyou villaman, Ive had .177 samples off these but could,nt find the .25,s maybe I need glasses
  18. Is there a shop out there that does .25 pellets in sample packs, cannot seem to find d any anywhere.... Thx in advance
  19. Thankyou all, looks like it's a look into A&M see what they have....
  20. Very true mark, but the neighbours aren't too happy when practising my standing shots in the garden without one. ☺
  21. Cheers,. Quite a lot of people prefer the hw silencer, I,ll see if they do a.25 version, I have the hw silencer on my hw100 in .177 pretty quiet
  22. As above, can anyone give me some insight on a decent silencer for the above air rifle mentioned in .25 calibre, bsa do the VC SILENCER has anyone used it?
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