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Everything posted by Phill-W68

  1. Bloody ell you gotta be fast on here to grab a bargain (if it is the scope)
  2. Yeah, my mate got Intouch with them either yesterday or today and said they weren't.
  3. Thx REZ, it's for a friend but I'm sure he would,nt mind if I took a few pics...
  4. My friend has decided to keep his bsa bull barrel, but wants to get it serviced and turned as its 10yr old... Any recommendations guys.... Thankyou
  5. That twig is probably 5"/6" in length...
  6. Roughly 2" across, I'm there again end of this week will have another look around the area, someone on another thread said its a dog footprint, but the owner has no dog and the area is pretty well fenced off, trail-cam in order I think....
  7. Really? , I know the owner does,nt have a dog but I,ll let him know there's a stray about, the owner breeds chickens & geese so he,s wary of anything about.. But Ty for that..
  8. Cheers guys much appreciated, will let the land owner know, he,s already seen a mink after his chickens, might invest in a trail-cam see what's about...
  9. Took this picture of this footprint the other day whilst out on the permission, but have no idea what it's off, anybody know???
  10. Still bedding the streamline in so those shots will improve I guess, as for the rimmy I've never shot one ?, but 24 dead rabbits...
  11. Think no.10 was a dodgy pellet coz the shot felt good, but the misses are me hard to shoot at a dot even at 22yds haha, fun tho... ?
  12. Had to try it with the hw100, 22yds...room for improvement..
  13. Well had to have another go with r10 .25 this time prone, wasn't happy with yesterday's haha... Still a couple of dodgy ones but I did take out a couple of daffodil leaves which deflected the pellets ☺
  14. Not had mi tea yet, let's hope there's more than one then, I,ll BBQ em ?
  15. It's like a sandy soil where the ground has been dug up and relevelled....
  16. Ahhh right, I've looked up badger it's not that, don't think it's fox, didn't think deer have claws,not a mink or polecat, hav,nt got a clue....
  17. Not sure what you mean pal.....
  18. Some goods shooting their CH... what do you do with all the ferals?
  19. I know i took 24 shots and I still missed it.... ?
  20. Well decided to have a go at the shit shot challenge and yep defo shit haha, 22yds is the most I can stretch to in the garden so 22yds it was with the bsa r10se .25, two targets 2 different pellets.. God I need practice...
  21. What about us sub 12ft/lb .25cals can't we play haha
  22. Seen this print this evening while having a mooch round the permission, just not sure what its off, any ideas???
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