Roughly 2" across, I'm there again end of this week will have another look around the area, someone on another thread said its a dog footprint, but the owner has no dog and the area is pretty well fenced off, trail-cam in order I think....
Really? , I know the owner does,nt have a dog but I,ll let him know there's a stray about, the owner breeds chickens & geese so he,s wary of anything about.. But Ty for that..
Cheers guys much appreciated, will let the land owner know, he,s already seen a mink after his chickens, might invest in a trail-cam see what's about...
Well had to have another go with r10 .25 this time prone, wasn't happy with yesterday's haha... Still a couple of dodgy ones but I did take out a couple of daffodil leaves which deflected the pellets ☺
Well decided to have a go at the shit shot challenge and yep defo shit haha, 22yds is the most I can stretch to in the garden so 22yds it was with the bsa r10se .25, two targets 2 different pellets.. God I need practice...