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Everything posted by Phill-W68

  1. Let us know how it goes, was this a one off problem or an occurring one?, is it sub 12 or fac?
  2. Well my plan was to finish work, put the gear in the car get up to the perm, get the last couple of hours before dark in the woods see what corvids, woodies and squirrels were about, then a stroll round the fields once dark.... Well I did,nt even leave the house till it was pitch black so part 1 was a washout before it begun, so with a fresh set of batteries in the photon off I went, overcast, dry with a breeze perfect conditions, two shots at my zero 35yds, happy... First field seen two bunnies, lazed at 75yds,so crept in slow got to 40yds and dropped the primos sticks on the grass, bunnies w
  3. Nice little outing there mate,. Put a few more ferals away... Very nice
  4. I, d just take a full tin of pellets and when the tin was empty then time to fill even tho there is still 100 odd shots left....
  5. Very kind of you young man, but I think your right haha, it would be worth a trip up with a tin of pellets to try it haha, did you sort a sli g out for it?
  6. Glad your liking it fella, lot of pennies for an airgun, but they do look very smart and I'm envious of anyone who has one, not shouldered one yet, not shot one yet, but it would be costly if I did and as for the shot Count its crazy... Any idea what the true shot count is on a 22 sub 12 if your getting 500+ on a 177...hoping to see some good pics up soon mate of your pest controlling antics ?...
  7. OK mate cheers, havnt got that kind of money and wouldn't spend it on one if I did... ?
  8. Wow... Excellent news, landowners around here are so stubborn, knocked on a few more in the last couple of mo this and got plain NO off them or they already have someone... ?
  9. We Know we know, takes a bit of time to get use to it... ? ? Haha... ?
  10. Bloody ell sounds like the fx impact club was out on the rampage.. haha, glad it was a good night guys....
  11. Can pick them up on flea-Bay and amazon for £15-£20....
  12. Good mates are few and far between... Great gesture and surprise from viz ?, good to hear your not giving the sport up, and happy hunting with the fx 177....☺
  13. A few people on here have mentioned the addonite nv, from CRS supposed to be a great add-on...
  14. No worries, just wanted to make sure they,d arrived... ?
  15. Very nice..... If that doesn't want to make you stay in the sport then nothing will... ?.... SI... off topic I know, but did you get those pellets???
  16. I love it mate, all depends on what you want, I,ll never get rid of it unless I can afford thermal, which won't be any time soon....
  17. Just seen your reply mate, I was the same I bought the viper but couldn't get on with the screen so I sold it and got the photon rt, now in my opinion it's a great scope for the price, could be better but the price tag says it all, but for airgun range I cannot fault it, easy to use, straight forward, I'm getting 3hours off four rechargeable AA batteries that's using the built in ir which is fine, easy recognise rabbits upto 100yds plus, does what I need it for, now with an external ir even better results, but tthuhat's just my opinion.... ?
  18. Good luck Phill, hope you get it sorted, but at least you can still shoot... ?
  19. Nice bit of shooting and a good first time with the viper... ?
  20. Not only a crow but this looks like one fat squirrel to me eating my nuts in the garden.. I'm surprised how many magpies eat the peanuts too...
  21. Absolute bargain for some lucky bugger haha..
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